Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Look Photography

Our friends Marta and Kevin got married on August 15th. It was a wonderful wedding up in Chicago with around 100 people so probably pretty similar to our. The Church was beautiful, the food was great and so on. Everything was really perfect including the wedding. I will put up some of my pictures from the wedding, but for now please go to LOOK PHOTOGAPHY to see Vicki and Tom’s beautiful pictures of the event. Vicki and Tom has over the last year become great friends of ours. It is wonderful to see them work and their great daughter. Currently they have an exhibit at the Westcott House that I encourage everyone to go visit.

1 comment:

  1. Hey thanks for the shout out. I just noticed this today (Oct 5) so sorry for the late response.
    Super glad to have become friends with you guys - one of the nicest parts about moving to Springfield.
    -Vicki and Tom

    PS. Dina really loves your pants. I think the striped ones you wore the last time we saw you are her favorites.
